During pregnancy, maternal health is very influential on the condition of the baby it contains, including oral health. If not treated properly, teeth can cause general health problems, both for the mother and fetus. Diseases of the teeth and mouth, such as cavities and inflammation of the gums, are prone to suffer by pregnant women. The increased risk of tooth disorders in pregnancy is caused by changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, nausea and vomiting commonly experienced by pregnant women can cause an acidic mouth condition, so that the cavities are easy and become a place for the development of germs. Increasing the hormones estrogen and progesterone can also cause inflammation of the gums. Things to Look For Before Doing Dental Care during Pregnancy Given the high risk of toothache during pregnancy, dental care is needed. If you are pregnant and want to undergo dental treatment, the first thing to do is to notify the condition of your pregnancy to the dentist....